Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Tide Pools at Swami's

The kids got a real treat going to the tide pools with Aunt Chrissy the science teacher! They saw octopus, crab, sea stars, sea hare (in Emily's hands below), etc...
Hannah got to experience an octopus' defense mechanism first hand as it squirted her face with ink!

Does anybody have a towel?

Cousin Mia (17 mo.)

Aboard the USS Ogden


This is Chris' rack aboard the USS Ogden; he has the top bunk...luxurious eh?

Chris' "Aircraft Ditching" Training

He learned what to do if his "bird" ends up in the ocean + surface survival skills.

Chris set up his field tent and let the kids play in it for a couple days.

I know this is a little outdated (from Christmas), but I was just going through the photos on Chris' camera and thought this was kinda cute.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Jay Leno

Just got this from the Tonight Show.

Georgia 9mo. & Jack 8mo.

Emily wants to know if they are going to get married.

Broccoli Anyone?

Video Game Paige

Paige's new favorite pastime...playing Super Smash Bros. on her Nintendo Gamecube. She likes to be Kirby.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Jack - 8 Months

Here's the 8 month update: Jack has 4 teeth, 3 dimples, and one huge smile. He is crawling faster, can go from crawling to sitting, and even pulled himself up to standing once. He has learned how to clap and wave and will even sometimes say "hi". He has recently added Da-da to his vocabulary. He has added solids to his diet and loves Cheerios, graham crackers, and an occasional french fry. Although I'm not sure how much he weighs, it's somewhere over 21 lbs and his 12 month size PJs are getting too tight.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

He's On The Move!

Yes, Jack has starting crawling! Last night he crossed the living room floor without falling on his belly. So now I have to make sure I've removed all tiny papers, stickers, sea shells, Polly Pocket shoes and other assorted debris from the floor, because it all ends up in his mouth. He's still kind of slow, but I know he'll start picking up speed in no time!

Sleep-Over Fun

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Friday, January 06, 2006