FROM NICK: Hi Everyone, A quick note to let you know our new baby daughter has arrived. Matilda Grace Mifflin born on the 18th January at 1317hrs arrived about a week and a half early and a day before a scheduled caesarian. Baby is about 50cm long and 6 pounds 14 or just over 3Kg. Belinda was in Labor for about 4 hours in total so needless to say it was a very quick process. Too quick for a caesar. Bel did a great job of doing it naturally with no pain relief. Tougher than I'll ever be. Mother and daughter are doing great. Was very lucky though as had a full knot in the umbilical cord and it was wrapped both around her neck and body. Fortunately the knot had not been pulled tight. These are a couple photos taken about 10-15 minutes after delivery. Will send you more over the next few days. With love, Nick
Chris replaced some of the drywall and we did a lot of sanding and painting. I found that I have a hidden talent with joint compound since it's a lot like icing a cake smooth.
A little paint dust... My world record sized paint "chip".
Santa's Little Helper During the "White-Elephant gift exchange" Grandma gets the "SEXY" Santa bag that I got for free from work (it was part of the marketing display). The good news is that Marlene loves the shirt, the bad news is that she already has one just like it. Jack is ready to fill some big shoes. Hannah is a little pleased with her gift. Who is that masked man?...Cinco the Power Ranger.