Monday, February 04, 2008

First Week of Auntie Daycare

Getting a Laugh

Darth Vader

While I was cooking dinner, Jack grabbed one of the pans and put it on his head and said that he was Darth Vader. Star Wars has been pretty popular in the house lately because Paige loves to play Lego Star Wars on the Wii and he watched the complete "saga".

The face that saves him from getting in trouble with mom

Mourning Pin Cake

I made this for one of the ladies at work. Chris thought it was a little morbid to make a cake that resembles a piece of mourning jewelry, but if you knew George, you'd know she'd like it! She collects these things. The cake looks like the latest one she got at an antique show. She said it was from the Victorian era.

Post Christmas Gingerbread

Papa bought this kit a few weeks ago for $0.25. This kids had fun decorating it and eating the candies, but the gingerbread was pretty hard...

Cupcake Kid