Saturday, May 06, 2006

Mother's Day Cake

Well, here it is, the culmination of Wilton Cake Decorating Course 2. My mom is leaving for Thailand on Tues., so we celebrated Mother's Day early. My mom, Chrissy and I went out to dinner and shopping- Just Moms and NO KIDS :) ...too bad Grandma couldn't make it. Then we had cake! My teacher said a cake like this could go for $75-$100. Although it has many pretty royal icing flowers on it (roses, rose buds, daisies, pansies, chrysanthemums, violets, apple blossoms, daffodils and primroses), my favorite part was the basket weave sides (too bad it doesn't show up very good in the pictures). It looks impressive, but is really not that hard to do.
P.S. Just bought a new camera, it is charging up pics will start coming again soon!

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